What is MBE Certification

National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) requires a business to be at least 51% owned, operated on a daily basis, and controlled by racial or ethnic minorities who are U.S. Citizens.

What Is MBE Certification?

MBE Certification is the process by which a business is verified as being minority-owned, managed, and controlled according to the criteria set forth by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC).


The MMSDC’s Role In MBE Certification

As one of 23 regional councils, the Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council (MMSDC) is solely responsible for certifying all minority business enterprises across the state of Michigan. The certification process is both thorough and deliberate by design. Corporate members rely on us to provide accurate company data to assist in their vendor selection processes and corporate contracting decisions.


Certification Leads To New Business Opportunities

Once a business is granted an MBE certification, its business contracts may be counted toward the minority spend goals set by each respective corporation. The distinction as a certified MBE gives minority-owned businesses a competitive advantage when seeking corporate partnerships and contracts.

By becoming a certified MBE, Michigan’s minority-owned businesses gain access to contract opportunities with some of the largest and best-known corporations, educational, and government institutions throughout the country.